Martial Artist

From Evil Genius Wiki

Evil Genius[edit]

Glossary image for a Martial Artist minion.

The top-tier military minions are the martial artist and the Marksman, and the two serve two different functions. While the marksman excels at picking enemies off from a distance, the martial artist likes to get in close and put his outstanding melee skills to use. With fists of steel, the martial artist is a formidable opponent in a brawl.

On the World Domination screen, martial artists reduce the risk of death for other minions in the same region.



  • Speed: 1
  • Health: 80 (Armor 50)
  • Loyalty: 60 (Armor 50)
  • Smarts: 30 (Armor 5)
  • Attention: 50 (Armor 10)
  • Endurance: 70 (Armor 30)
  • Evidence Rating: 10
  • Value Rating: 1
  • Threat Rating: 25
  • Heat: 0
  • On World Domination Screen
    • Cash Potential: 7%
    • Plotting: 2
    • Regional Heat Penalty: 10
    • Chance of Perishing: 20
    • Perish Modifier: 5
    • AOI Time Modifier: 0
    • AOI Heat Modifier: 0
    • Information Modifier: 0%

Evil Genius 2[edit]

Information pending.