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Time Clock

From Evil Genius Wiki
The info panel for a time clock.
The footprint for a time clock.

The time clock is a very useful object in EG1 that can be used to control staffing in certain rooms. Rooms without a time clock will automatically be turned on with normal priority, but placing a time clock gives greater control over how many minions will work in a room.

Once a time clock is placed, double-clicking the time clock brings up the room staffing control panel. The slider is set to yellow (on) by default, which means exactly as many minions as needed will work in the room. Moving the slider left to red (off) disables the room completely, freeing up minions for other jobs around the base and also disabling power usage for all items with jobs in the room. The slider also has nine green positions on the right, each representing one additional minion who will wait in the room ready to fill any openings immediately when another minion leaves to refill their stats. Tasks such as building objects or rooms take precedence over jobs controlled by time clocks, so if you order too many construction jobs you may see job vacancies.

A time clock placed in a control room.

Time clocks can be placed in the following rooms:


  • Wear: 200
  • Evidence Rating: 1
  • Value Rating: 1
  • Threat Rating: 0
  • Purchase Cost: $5,000
  • Heat: 0
  • Power: 0
  • Blocks Vision: No
  • Blocks Movement: No
  • Used By: Basic, Military, Science, Social
  • Jobs: 0
  • Size: 1 by 1, flush against wall
  • Hotspots: 1 required, 0 optional
  • Unlocked By: Start of Game

Research (Spoilers)[edit]

Not used in any research.

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