Spin Doctor

From Evil Genius Wiki

Evil Genius[edit]

Glossary image for a Spin Doctor minion.
World Domination stats for Spin Doctor minions.
Stealing: Incapable
Plotting: Incapable
Support: Fair
Abilities: Conceals the heat of other minions. Conceals the heat from Acts of Infamy.

Spin doctors are the masters of manipulation, adept at spinning lies and webs of intrigue. In practical terms, this set of skills allows spin doctors to weaken enemies by using a paparazzi media smear campaign to baffle and confuse the hapless agent, reducing their smarts.

Spin doctors also perform common social minion duties such as staffing the Hotel and its diversions.



  • Speed: 1
  • Health: 50 (Armor 5)
  • Loyalty: 60 (Armor 30)
  • Smarts: 60 (Armor 50)
  • Attention: 70 (Armor 20)
  • Endurance: 40 (Armor 10)
  • Evidence Rating: 10
  • Value Rating: 1
  • Threat Rating: 15
  • Heat: 0
  • On World Domination Screen
    • Cash Potential: 0%
    • Plotting: 0
    • Regional Heat Penalty: 3
    • Regional Heat Benefit: 5
    • Chance of Perishing: 35
    • Perish Modifier: 0
    • AOI Time Modifier: 0
    • AOI Heat Modifier: -20
    • Information Modifier: 0%

Evil Genius 2[edit]

Information pending.