Inner Sanctum

From Evil Genius Wiki

Evil Genius[edit]

The Inner Sanctum icon in EG1.

It would be most unseemly for an Evil Genius to mingle with the minions, unless making a morale-boosting appearance. The inner sanctum is the temple of tranquillity within the hive of villainy, and the personal domain of the Evil Genius, unsullied by mere minions. Valuable artifacts looted during Acts of Infamy are given pride of place in the inner sanctum, making it a prime target for thieves and agents alike. Care should be taken to restrict access to the inner sanctum, given the likelihood of it containing notorious objects with a high Heat rating. A Conference Table may be needed for those important meetings with evil associates.


Cost per Tile: $250

Unlocked By: ?

Room Objects[edit]

Evil Genius 2[edit]

Information pending.