
From Evil Genius Wiki

Evil Genius[edit]

Glossary image for a Guard minion.
World Domination stats for Guard minions.
Stealing: Fair
Plotting: Terrible
Support: Good
Abilities: Protects allies in battle.

Guards are your basic military minions, trained in combat but not yet proficient. Their combat training is reflected in their higher levels of health and endurance when compared to the construction worker. Their crash course in becoming a muscle-bound meathead does have a detrimental effect on their smarts and attention, unfortunately, and their base loyalty is also slightly lower because they think themselves more employable with their new skills. Little do they know that you'd probably terminate them yourself rather than let them defect.

The main benefit of having guards is the firepower they can handle, if you supply it. Guards can wield rifles if you build an Armory and equip it with Rifle Racks. Setting the base to yellow or red alert will prompt guards to arm themselves.

On the World Domination screen, guards reduce the risk of death for other minions in the same region.



  • Speed: 1
  • Health: 50 (Armor 30)
  • Loyalty: 35 (Armor 15)
  • Smarts: 30 (Armor 5)
  • Attention: 30 (Armor 10)
  • Endurance: 60 (Armor 20)
  • Evidence Rating: 5
  • Value Rating: 5
  • Threat Rating: 20
  • Heat: 0
  • On World Domination Screen
    • Cash Potential: 4%
    • Plotting: 1
    • Regional Heat Penalty: 4
    • Regional Heat Benefit: 0
    • Chance of Perishing: 30
    • Perish Modifier: 2
    • AOI Time Modifier: 0
    • AOI Heat Modifier: 0
    • Information Modifier: 0%

Evil Genius 2[edit]

Information pending.