
From Evil Genius Wiki
Picture of a Freezer in EG1.
The Freezer icon in EG1.

Body bags and other unsavory objects will sap your minions' morale if they see them lying around the base. These items have an area of effect that can be seen by clicking on the object in question - if a minion enters this area, they will suffer a drop in loyalty and attention. Build a freezer to store these incriminating objects and prevent your minions from experiencing pangs of doubt about their evil vocation. Body bags stored in a freezer decay at half speed, but their stat-draining area of effect is cancelled. Body bags are automatically carried to a freezer once one has been built, unless you order them to be taken elsewhere. A well-stocked freezer will carry a large Heat rating, so be careful to make it as secure as possible.

Freezers cancel all areas of effect, positive or negative, from any objects or characters located on a freezer tile. They are also the only base room in which all varieties of cameras and loudspeakers cannot be placed.

Freezers are not present in EG2. Instead, body bags in EG2 are dealt with using an Incinerator built in a Power Station.


Cost per Tile: $300

Unlocked By: First Agent Killed

Body Bag Decay Multiplier: 0.5

Room Objects[edit]