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Evil Genius

From Evil Genius Wiki

Evil Genius (EG1) is a single-player real-time strategy and simulation video game developed by Elixir Studios and published by Vivendi Universal Games. It was originally released for Windows PCs in North America on September 28, 2004, and in Europe on October 1, 2004. It is available for purchase on the Steam store.

The game has three difficulty levels: easy, medium, and hard. Medium mode is the default. Various values like character stats and object cost are tweaked from their default values one way to make things easier on easy mode (e.g. costs are multiplied by 0.8 and minion stats are multiplied by 1.2) and the other way to make things harder on hard mode (e.g. costs are multiplied by 1.2 and minion stats are multiplied by 0.8). Unless otherwise noted, values given on this wiki are the default medium-mode values.

In 2021, Rebellion Developments released a sequel, Evil Genius 2: World Domination (EG2).

Official Patch[edit]

The Official Patch (v1.01) is the one and only patch released by Elixir Studios for Evil Genius. It fixes a number of issues, although several remain. It is known as the Official Patch to distinguish it from the Unofficial Patch which was made by various members of the Evil Genius Chat community.

There are two versions of the Official Patch, an EU version and a US version, and you must use the one that matches the base-game version you have. Steam exclusively uses the US version, so if you have the game on Steam you should use the US patch. Both versions can be downloaded from this Google Drive.

Note that for all fixes to work properly (particularly the sentry gun research fix) you will need to start a new game after installing the patch. Saved games from an earlier version will load, but may continue to exhibit bugs fixed in this patch.

Fixes in Patch v1.01[edit]

  • Disguised Sentry Gun can now be researched.
  • Sentry Gun range increased.
  • Agent AI fix for rooms behind locked doors.
  • Glossary crash fixes for 2 hyperlinks.
  • Rare loading crash.
  • Rare crash involving monkeys.
  • Extra hint added for Objective 2 & the mixer.
  • The second Mess Hall counter has been renamed to "Mixer".
  • Misleading "Load Save" option renamed to "Load and Save".
  • Rare crash bug when deleting certain outdoor traps fixed.
  • Rare crash bug when locking minions in during construction fixed.
  • Minor scripting fix for a couple of objects.
  • Minor fixes (text fixes & memory leaks).
  • Rare crash in Training fixed.
  • Version added to Options screen.
  • Research button sometimes missing when reloading a saved game fixed.
  • Crash when saving during Death Cubicle animation fixed.
  • Agent memory crash fixed (when agents are around during room detonation).
  • Security Desk crash fixed (holding down LMB to move it when it's destroyed).
  • Body Bag crash fixed (when reloaded and assigned to a destroyed freezer rack).

World Domination Starter Kit[edit]

The World Domination Starter Kit is the only official expansion for EG1. It includes a new henchman, Colonel Blackheart, as well as a new item, the Reclining Chair.

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