Quantum Physicist
To understand the intricacies of quarks and gluons, it's essential to have a team of quantum physicists to quickly unravel the scientific mysteries that might baffle lesser minds. Because of their superior intellect, quantum physicists are more efficient at all aspects of research.
Quantum physicists are specific to EG1. In EG2 they are replaced with Quantum Chemists.
- Upgrades from: Scientist
- Upgrades to: None
- Speed: 1
- Health: 50 (Armor 5)
- Loyalty: 60 (Armor 25)
- Smarts: 90 (Armor 50)
- Attention: 70 (Armor 30)
- Endurance: 40 (Armor 10)
- Evidence Rating: 10
- Value Rating: 1
- Threat Rating: 5
- Heat: 0
- On World Domination Screen
- Cash Potential: 5
- Plotting: 10
- Regional Heat Penalty: 5
- Chance of Perishing: 60
- Perish Modifier: 0
- AOI Time Modifier: -30
- AOI Heat Modifier: 0
- Information Modifier: 20%