Evil Genius (Character): Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "The Evil Genius is the epitome of evil, and the single, flaring spark of genius who will one day have the entire world basking in their radiance. They have the ability to boost the importance of orders (EG1), and can summarily execute members of their workforce who displease them. = ''Evil Genius'' = == Alexis == ''A lady megalomaniac criminal mastermind.'' When Alexis' father died, bequeathing his multi-million dollar fortune and media empire to her, it would have b...")
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''This page is about the character. For the games, see ''[[Evil Genius]]'' (EG1) and ''[[Evil Genius 2|Evil Genius 2: World Domination]]''.''
The Evil Genius is the epitome of evil, and the single, flaring spark of genius who will one day have the entire world basking in their radiance. They have the ability to boost the importance of orders (EG1), and can summarily execute members of their workforce who displease them.
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''A lady megalomaniac criminal mastermind.''
''Elegant and beautiful, you are the adorable multi-millionaire heiress - your beautiful countenance commands the utmost respect and loyalty from those who are fortunate enough to be chosen to be your minions.''
When Alexis' father died, bequeathing his multi-million dollar fortune and media empire to her, it would have been easy for her to conform to the traditional young heiress template, frittering the money away on wining, dining, and generally living the high life. Despite being spoiled rotten, however, Alexis was also highly motivated and intelligent, with a sharp awareness of the way the world worked. Her hard work and piercing intellect saw her take the helm of her father's media empire with aplomb, and global revenues soon quadrupled under her shrewd leadership.
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** Attention: +10
** Endurance: +10
** Target Type: Minion
== Maximilian ==
''A megalomaniac criminal mastermind.''
''Short, bad-tempered, and utterly insane, you are the fabulously wealthy industrialist. Your ambition is to conquer the world through advanced research and technological supremacy.''
Raised in rural Austria by foster parents, Maximilian did not have the happiest of childhoods. Already the bully's favorite because of his stockiness and squint, the young Maximilian became even more isolated from his peers when he developed chronic stress-related alopecia after a weekend-long ritual beating from his foster father, incurred for the crime of looking at him askew.
Such early setbacks might have deterred lesser men, but it only made Maximilian stronger, and he went on to found an extremely lucrative industrial empire, fuelledfueled by a desire to prove his worth to the world. Yet even with his riches, Maximilian found himself rejected by the friends and beautiful women he thought he could buy. Spurned once more, he turned to misanthropy, and began to plot his revenge. If he could not make the world like him, he would have to make the world fear him...
Maximilian's industrialist background means he has a strong interest in scientific research. If you play as Maximilian, you will get a reduction to any cash incentive payments used during the research process.
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** Attention: +5
** Endurance: +5
** Target Type: Minion
== Shen Yu ==
''Dragon Van Den Driessche.''
''Mystical and inscrutable, you are the quixotic super-criminal, turned special agent, turned evil genius. Your powerful global network of conspirators ensures you have hidden influence over the governments of the world.''
Shen Yu's criminal career began on the streets of Hong Kong, and none of his street urchin peers could possibly have predicted that this humble pickpocket would eventually rise to become one of the most powerful criminal masterminds in the world. As a teenager, Shen Yu joined a local Triad gang and quickly rose up the ranks. Despite his rapid elevation, he would never have risen any further were it not for a fortuitous encounter with a pair of A.N.V.I.L. agents. Shen Yu was arrested immediately for his multiple homicides. They gave him a simple choice: be an A.N.V.I.L. mole, or be executed.
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** Attention: +7
** Endurance: +7
** Target Type: Minion
= ''Evil Genius 2'' =