Tight security is paramount if the evil lair is to avoid being over-run by irritating Agents of Justice. A well-connected surveillance network is vital for the detection of interlopers, and the Security Desk is the hub of this network. A minion must be seated at the security desk if intruder alerts are to be broadcast. A Time Clock may be used to control room staffing more precisely. Once a threat has been detected, the intruder must be dealt with, and this commonly means either termination or capture. If elimination is the goal, the Gun Racks provide your minions with that killer edge. Capturing enemies requires the Holding Cell - without it, hapless intruders who fall into your clutches cannot be detained. Once an enemy has been put in a cell, they can be tortured in one of many Torture Devices. The Armory's Interrogation Chair is one such device, but others are not as obvious.

The Armory icon in EG1.

Info edit

Cost per Tile: $250

Unlocked By: ?

Room Objects edit